Daniel Zeidman is a Chi Alpha alumnus from Idaho State University. He currently works in healthcare management and personal training in Charlotte, North Carolina. Daniel has continued to live on mission in the marketplace and shares with us his experiences, his heart for generosity, and his advice for current alumni.
How did Chi Alpha impact your life?
Chi Alpha had an immense earthly and heavenly impact on my life. I was walking in darkness and addicted to drugs and alcohol before I met some Chi Alpha students and leaders. After submerging myself in the Chi Alpha culture, my life was transformed from the inside out by our loving Lord. One thing that stuck with me was the principle of “belong, believe, and behave.” The people involved in Chi Alpha made me feel welcome and at home right off the bat. I didn’t have to believe or behave in any certain way right away. They trusted that the Holy Spirit would slowly begin the transformation process of my mind as I spent time with Him and with the healthy community of believers that Chi Alpha attracted.
What is your current occupation?
I have a full-time job in healthcare management and a part-time job in personal training. In healthcare, some of my daily tasks are serving our patients and our team to the best of my ability, learning our processes and procedures, and keeping our team accountable to those elements. In coaching, I get the opportunity to coach and mentor football kickers of all ages. In both roles, I get to live the gospel daily, allowing the Lord to speak and move in and through me with the way I love and serve the people I work with and work for.
How are you continuing to live on mission and be involved in discipleship?
My wife and I attend a healthy church here in Charlotte, North Carolina. It’s a powerful group of believers with excellent leadership to pave the way. It actually feels a lot like the culture of Chi Alpha in the freedom in worshiping Christ.
How have you found the ability to give impact in your walk with God and community?
It took me a while to understand finances and stewardship from a gospel perspective. Embracing the truth that all I have is not mine, but the Lord’s has really helped in providing freedom to be generous and giving to kingdom-focused people and organizations. Giving my time, money and resources has tremendously impacted my walk. Showing this world a heart of generosity shines a light on the heart of God.
What advice/encouragement would you give other alumni who are trying to live on mission in the marketplace?
I would say first and foremost, if you are not married, marry the person God calls you to marry. It’s truly the second most important decision we will ever make (first being walking with Christ) and will shape your life in a profound way, including your career decisions. Secondly, get out of debt because debt can seriously hold us back from serving the only master we are called to serve, Christ. Thirdly, get plugged into a healthy local church family. I believe these items will help set us up to serve in whatever industry God has called us to. And whatever industry that is, we can trust that Christ in us will shine bright above the darkness, sometimes without us even saying a word.