
Alumni in the Marketplace Spotlight: Corissa and Robert Rohloff

Corissa and Robert both attended the University of Minnesota where Corissa soon after did the CMIT internship with Chi Alpha. They both entered graduate school for law (Robert) and a PhD in quantitative educational psychology (Corissa). Corissa and Robert are passionate about living on mission and talk about the differences between being on mission in Chi Alpha in their undergraduate programs compared to their experiences in grad school. 

How did Chi Alpha impact your life? 

Chi Alpha impacted our lives tremendously. We both went from spectator Christians to being the pastors of our spheres. More specifically, we learned how to be intentional in loving those around us and became more like Jesus in the process!

What is your current occupation? 

Robert is in law school and Corissa is getting a PhD in quantitative educational psychology. 

How are you continuing to live on mission and be involved in discipleship? 

While we both have returned to school, we have found these experiences to be vastly different than undergrad when it comes to the mission field. We had to change our methods of caring for people while still implementing discipleship methods that Jesus taught in the Gospels (spending time meeting new people, learning about their lives, and eating together).

How have you found the ability to give in the marketplace impact your walk with God/community? 

In Chi Alpha, our goal was to have spiritual children and grandkids! Now that we are out of college, we want to bless those who come after us by spoiling our spiritual grandchildren! Let’s be honest: that is a key characteristic of a fun grandparent!

What advice/encouragement would you give other alumni who are trying to live on mission in the marketplace? 

Do it. You’ll never regret taking a step of faith when a moment to care for a co-worker presents itself or when you are given the chance to open up about the love, hope, and peace that Jesus has instilled in your life. Everyone has a Jesus-sized hole in their hearts that only the One True King can fill.

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