Guilherme was involved in the Chi Alpha at the University of California, Davis as a worship leader, small group leader, and student. He currently lives in the San Francisco Bay area as a legal policy specialist at a tech company where he balances protecting user data while collaborating with law enforcement agents.
How did Chi Alpha impact your life?
It was at Chi Alpha that I truly felt the unconditional love of God. I had a hard time relating to God as a father but it was at Chi Alpha that I learned the Father heart of God. Chi Alpha/Davis Christian Fellowship also taught me the power of vulnerability and the importance of living in intimate and intentional community.
How are you continuing to live on mission and be involved in discipleship?
It was really important to me to get plugged into a local church after graduation. Right now, I’m part of The Father’s House San Francisco where I lead a young men’s small group with a fellow Chi Alpha alum.
What advice/encouragement would you give other alumni who are trying to live on mission in the marketplace?
I truly believe that the best way to disciple is through love and relationship. At work, I try my best to be intentional and love people first. Through relationship, Jesus naturally comes into our conversations. Also, I believe that excellence is a huge way to testify. If we are excellent at what we do, it can inspire people to do the same.
Do you have any stories to celebrate regarding discipleship in the workplace?
I had a coworker who has been in a same-sex marriage for over 20 years. We became good friends throughout my time on the team and he felt really safe with me. After a couple of months, I told him I was Christian and he was really surprised. He said it was the first time he didn’t feel judged or belittled by a Christian and it led to really good conversations about God’s grace, mercy, and redemption. He became really interested and has asked a bunch of questions about Jesus. I’m still believing he’ll come to faith soon.