
Alumni in the Marketplace Spotlight: Timothy E. Glass

Timothy graduated from Stanford University and is now a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Missouri in Columbia, MO where he also serves as the Chair of his department.


How did Chi Alpha impact your life?

Honestly, Stanford was a difficult place to be a Christian. Particularly in a science lab. Chi Alpha helped me stay grounded in a very tough crowd.

What is your current occupation? What do you do on a day to day basis?

I am a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Missouri and currently serving as Chair of my department. I spend about half of my time doing chemistry research. I spend the other half of my day administrating the entire department. When I am not Chair, I teach sophomore organic chemistry and a graduate-level reaction mechanisms class.

How are you continuing to live on mission and be involved in discipleship?

I am the faculty advisor for the Mizzou Chi Alpha. One of my favorite things to do is speak on the interplay of science and faith.

How have you found the ability to give in the marketplace impacts your walk with God/community?

Over the years we have sponsored a number of domestic and foreign missionaries. We have added them slowly as our budget allows. I find it very rewarding to support the Chi Alpha which I was part of so many years ago.

What advice/encouragement would you give other alumni who are trying to live on mission in the marketplace?

As much as possible, live an authentic Christian life. People can tell if you are being fake. Just be real, and the love of Christ will shine through.

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