Lucas Montoya graduated from the University of Idaho where he was part of Chi Alpha for five years. After being a small group leader and CMIT, Lucas moved to the Boise area where he currently works at a factory but aspires to do data analyst work. Lucas lives intentionally for Jesus in the marketplace through conversations with coworkers, involvement with his local church, and through relationships with his family.
What was your involvement in Chi Alpha like?
I was one of those rare students who almost never missed a meeting, even the small part of my freshman year I attended. I played on the worship team and regularly helped with tearing down after our large group meeting. I also ended up becoming a small group (we called them life groups) facilitator and did one year of the internship after graduation.
How did Chi Alpha impact your life?
I didn’t know Jesus before college. I had been to church a couple of times and believed in God but hadn’t really entered into a relationship with Him or made Jesus the Lord of my life before college. Being in both large groups and small groups had a big role in that. I also met my wife through Chi Alpha, so that’s a nice bonus.
How are you continuing to live on mission and be involved in discipleship?
God has really put my brother and sister-in-law on my heart, so my wife and I have been trying to initiate spiritual conversations with them when we can and are looking for something low barrier through our church that we can invite them to. We are also going to start leading a small group for young couples within our church soon. I’ve also had a couple of conversations with people that I work with at the factory and have been able to speak into their lives a little bit.
How have you found the ability to give in the marketplace impacts your walk with God/community?
Finances have been a little tight since graduation, but my wife and I have not only given tithes but support a couple missionaries at the same time. It’s been so cool to see God constantly come through at just the right time.
What advice/encouragement would you give other alumni who are trying to live on mission in the marketplace?
It’s hard to believe but life gets way crazier after college. Don’t forget that living missionally takes intentionality and that things aren’t going to happen as fast in the marketplace as they did in college.