
Alumni in the Marketplace Spotlight: Hannah Bauer

Hannah Bauer was in graduate school at Purdue University where she was involved in Chi Alpha there and met Jesus. She got to grow her new faith in Chi Alpha for a year before finishing graduate school to then become a Senior Human Relations business partner. Hannah now lives in Houston, TX and shares how Chi Alpha has impacted the way she goes about life, ministry, finance and the marketplace.

How are you continuing to live on mission and be involved in discipleship?

Through the relationships I build in the office, I’m able to be very transparent about my walk with Jesus and even my struggles as a Christian. People are always drawn to authenticity, which usually plants seeds in their minds about Jesus or my lifestyle.

I also bought a home to share with other women who love Jesus and are either new believers who need discipleship or are new to Houston. It’s large and provides a great space for community.

How have you found the ability to give in the marketplace impact your walk with God/community?

The Lord has truly blessed my finances, I’ve been able to fund parties and gifts for friends, tithe generously and support Chi Alpha missionaries

What advice/encouragement would you give other alumni who are trying to live on mission in the marketplace?

Get plugged in as soon as you move to a new place, even if the church doesn’t 100% “fit your needs.” Serving and being in community are a big piece of discipleship and serving Jesus.



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