“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” ( Hebrews 12:1)
For many years, when I read this scripture, my mind immediately thought about the obviously negative things that I needed to remove from my life to run my race well. In general, I tried to keep those things in check. As my life progressed, I noticed that my life was feeling really heavy. Even in between tough seasons, I was really tired, and no amount of sleep was fixing it. During that time, I did some yard work and took notice of a certain bush. It looked completely tired and unhealthy. It looked like I felt. I decided to trim it back, so it would at least look a bit less noticeable. It looked worse when I was done! It was quite empty. I thought I ruined it. However, in a few days, it started to flourish. There was new, healthy growth coming in.
Friends, we need to trim back the unhealthy areas of our lives. Yes, that includes the obvious negatives like sin, unforgiveness, and habits that get in the way of our purpose. We also carry a lot of weights that appear good, but still slow us down. What unnecessary weights are you carrying? Only you will know. I encourage you to take inventory of your life. What must stay? What is God leading you to let go of?
I want to share a few weights that I have been laying aside or still need to. It is a work in progress, but I am starting to see healthy God growth in areas that were desolate.
- I am asking God to lead me in my schedule. For me, this included resigning a few titles so I could pursue the ones I felt God was asking me to keep.
- I am simplifying and decluttering my home.
- I am identifying negative words and past experiences that still hold too much power in my life.
- I am seeking to be more intentional with my attention… how I spend my time, my thoughts, my social media use, and my relationship time.
- I am letting go of some self-reliance, and becoming more comfortable asking for help when necessary.
- I am surrendering burdens to God, trusting Him with the areas I am not able or responsible to change.
What is one thing… one thought… one unnecessary weight that you are ready to let go?
– Crystal Villalobos-Lewis, Chi Alpha Alumna of Loyola University New Orleans
1 comment
Thank you, Crystal!